Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Glitter Ninja
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Default Fussy Eaters

"aem" > writes:

>You say she bragged about this? What admirable quality did she think
>she was displaying by this abdication of responsibility for her
>children? I mean, what did she think she had to brag about? -aem

I'm not entirely sure. She was apparently proud that she didn't have
to cook, but I never knew *why*. She had a lot of stories about all the
chores being done by her daughters, and various times she refused to
help her husband with standard spouse things. I think she was very
spoiled. Her house was immaculate, apparently because she demanded her
girls (teens with jobs outside of the home) keep up with her
We pretty much stopped talking when she became unapproachable for a
week when her husband got vacation time and she didn't. She sulked like
a spoiled 2 year old, lashing out and calling people names for no reason
because she didn't get her way.
