Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Nathalie Chiva
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Default Fussy Eaters

On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:46:14 -0600, Elaine Parrish >

>I don't know who said what, so I clipped everybody's name (E,t <g>)
>> > Example: I don't eat raw fish. I know that lots of people adore sushi
>> > bars, but I can't bring myself to try it.


>I don't eat raw fish, either (I don't eat much fish of any kind).
>A friend of mine adores sushi and I like tempura well enough to get
>through an evening of her great company. I wasn't sure I was
>going enjoy sitting across the table from her, though. However, when her
>sushi plate came, there were two shrimp things (a cube of cold rice,
>shrimp on top, wrapped in a dark green weed [seaweed?}).
>Both the shrimp were pink. I didn't know enough about the other fish to
>know whether or not it was cooked. A little investigating proved that it
>was, too.
>Tee hee hee. All the folks that I know that were bragging about eating raw
>fish were either misinformed or just rattling everyone else's cage.

I assure you that when I eat sushi, the fish is raw, except for the
shrimp. The restaurant ypou went to obviously doesn't want to deal
with raw fish (has to be fresh of the day etc.) and does what my local
supermarket does, serves "cooked fish sushi" (an oxymoron IMO).

Nathalie in Switzerland