Fussy Eaters
On 17 Jan 2006 09:54:15 -0800, "Sheldon" > wrote:
>Nathalie Chiva wrote:
>>"John_Kane wrote:
>> > My sister brought up her kids the same way. This can be a very
>> >dangerous thing for the pocket book. I can remember their great uncle
>> >taking them to dinner and being a bit shocked when the oldest (10-12
>> >yr?) started with escargot and proceeded down the menu from there.
>> That would be my kids. The youngest loves sauteed foie gras and
>> expensive meat cuts, rare (and adult portion, at 7....), the oldest is
>> a fan of good fish.... And both guys "favorite food" is sushi...
>> Nathalie in Switzerland
>Thanks for the heads up, that you didn't raise your kids to have good
>manners. And you're proud of this, that explains everything... the
>acorn sure doesn't fall far from the tree... pardon me while I puke.
Puke all you will. They love that kind of stuff because *we* (their
parents) taught them the love of good food. When in a restaurant, they
will say what they want, but if I (or their father) say item X is too
expensive, they won't say a thing and they'll choose something else.
Nathalie in Switzerland