Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Dave Smith wrote:
> "P.Aitken" wrote:
> > Seriously, though, people do it because at the end of a group meal
> > people tend to forget who had how many drinks, how much each course
> > cost, and so on.

> And it's no coincidence that it always seems to be those who had the most who
> conveniently forget.

Boy, no kidding. I always hated the group lunches at work because the
guys would order 2 beers at $5 a pop, along with lunch, and then want
to split the tab. Inevitably, I only ordered a salad or soup special
or something and no beer, so always got the short end of the stick.
After a while, I just turned down their offer to go out, and they could
never figure out why...
