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Default My first tea (not from a bag)

Barky Bark wrote:
> Some people always discard the first brew. Keep in mind you're discarding
> most of the caffeine when you do so. I would suggest a 'wash' of 30 seconds
> or so.

I get enough caffeine from other teas (usually start the day with 2
cups of strong black,) that I don't need to worry about washing out the
caffeine from gunpowder.

I find the first steeping's tea worthless. It doesn't taste very good,
and the leaves are still tightly rolled up. I can get three drinkable
infusions after the first, so I don't mind pouring out the first one at

in cup: "Guo Jiang Xiang" sample received from Michael Plant. I don't
even know what this is, but it seems to be an oolong that's almost
fully green.