Who are you...?
Bob (this one) wrote:
> Who subscribes to rec.food.baking? Are you a professional? Are you a guy
> who likes to bake on weekends? Are you a mother who needs to bake for a
> family? Hobby? Work? Hate it but have to? Love it but not enough time?
> Who are you? What kinds of information are you seeking?
> Pastorio
Mainly lurker. I am 42, live in Portland, OR, am a SAHM with a
wonderful son who is 2. I cook three meals a day for our family and
bake mainly desserts for parties and my husband's office (requests). I
like to bake and haven't done as much of it in the last couple of years
but since DS is becoming more independant, I can spend time baking
We are considering opening a business as an outlet for my cakes and
desserts. So a lot of what I am doing now is experimental.