Cling film versus aluminium foil
Sheldon wrote:
> sarah wrote:
> >
> > FWIW to produce aluminium from ore is said to require 20x more energy
> > than from the recycled metal: if you're not trying to find a way to
> > recycle your foil, you should be :-)
> Aluminum per se doesn't pollute, it's in its manufacture where the
> pollution takes place, so it is important to reuse/recyle it. But by
> the same token it's even more important to reuse/recycle steel
> containers... there is far, far more more steel used for cans than
> aluminum.
OK. I do reuse all plastic containers, like the ones I get at the deli
counter, although I won't use them in the microwave, they made great
storage and last really well. But as far as steel food cans, other than
for steamed boston brown bread, how can I reuse them? Mine get a rinse
and go straight into the recycling bin. Any suggstions would be greatly
Anyone who throwns away soda cans should be shot. They are such an easy
recycle! I wish deposit programs had become more popular.....when I was
gorwing up in NY, scrounging cans was always a way teenagers could come
up with a little spending money, digging through the family'strash can.
Homeless people in NYC have a decent source of income at 5 cents per
can they find in the trash. It seems that in cities with bottle / can
deposit laws, there are many opportunities for the cans to get there
for econmic reasons as well as environmental ones.
Tangent - who's seen the Seinfeld episode where Kramer and Newman fill
the mail truck with cans and drive them to the midwest to claim the