Fussy Eaters
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Glitter Ninja
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Fussy Eaters
(S'mee) writes:
>One time on Usenet,
(Glitter Ninja) said:
>> I'm like you, but on a couple occasions I ordered what I wanted, went
>> to pay, and suddenly discovered someone thought he was the host and
>> insisted on paying for all of us. Come to think of it, it was always my
>> husband's family [ ... ]
>Some of these stories are just weird! Not that I'm doubting the
>word of the story-teller, but it constantly amazes me how petty
>and strange people can be...
Er, actually, I probably shouldn't use any example involving my
in-laws as something that might plausibly happen. My in-laws are ugly,
petty, smallminded people.
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