Speaking of Penzey's...
Karen wrote on 18 Jan 2006 in rec.food.cooking
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > Yeah, I keep most of mine in the freezer, but so long as they are
> > kept out of bright light and away from heat, you're fine.
> I am just waiting for someone to make a million bucks on an electric
> spice cellar. Like the wine cellar out there that keeps wine at the
> perfect temperature and humidity, so could there be a wall-mounted for
> easy access, spice cellar (or tower) that is econimical and frees up
> cabinet space for other items.
> Mark my words.
> Karen
been done...it's called the 2nd upright freezer.
The eyes are the mirrors....
But the ears...Ah the ears.
The ears keep the hat up.