Who are you...?
Randall Nortman wrote:
> On 2006-01-18, Bob (this one) > wrote:
>>Who subscribes to rec.food.baking? Are you a professional? Are you a guy
>>who likes to bake on weekends? Are you a mother who needs to bake for a
>>family? Hobby? Work? Hate it but have to? Love it but not enough time?
>>Who are you? What kinds of information are you seeking?
> "Serious amateur" cook and baker (except I don't take the "serious"
> part too seriously). W.r.t. baking, it is mostly bread, mostly
> whole-grain, mostly sourdough, though occasionally I use a little
> white flour and/or some yeast. I have my own grain mill and bake with
> various grains. I built a steam injection system for my home oven
> (which I'm am currently in the process of upgrading by replacing
> copper tubing with stainless steel and silicone).
I'd be interested in hearing more about this. What kind of oven? How
does your injections system work? Hardware?
> I often bake sweet things as well, mostly for special occasions.
> Cakes, pies, cookies, pastries, etc. I'm better at bread, but my
> other baked goods are improving.
> I'm looking for anything that can help me get that extra 1% in my
> results, plus to share what knowledge I have with others. If someday
> I become independently wealthy, I may open a bakery/restaurant, but I
> would hate to be in that business if I had to depend on it for income.
<LOL> The industry joke is: "Do you know how to have a small fortune in
foodservice? Start with a large one."