English muffins & feline anecdotes
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "kilikini" > wrote:
>>"OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
>>>In article .com>,
>>> "Sheldon" > wrote:
>>>Appears that 9 lives canned is far superior to Friskies. We will
>>>probably be switching the entire gang over to it now.
>>>If I tell this story to 9 lives, think they will send me coupons???? ;-)
>>Really!?!?!?! If this is true, I'm switching cat foods!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> This story is 100% true. :-)
> 9 lives Tuna Select brought Orchid back from the edge of death!
> The other cats have done just fine on Friskies, but Orchid was
> chronically sick. Whatever was in that seemed to really help her.
> It's nice to see her not so pitiful and hollow-eyed now.
> There was literally almost nothing left of her but bones and fur.
> I want to see if 9 lives comes in the larger "dog food" sized cans
> instead of just the little flat ones. We use the larger cans of friskies
> and feed 6 cans per day for the entire gang, plus free-fed Purina
> kibbles.
> Orchid was too ill to eat dry food. We fed her canned 2 to 3 times per
> day, all she was willing to eat.
> Still do...
Anybody else have cats that like a fresh green salad?
Once i was sitting on the floor to watch a t.v. special and cutting up
veggies for salad (all neat and tidy with cutting board and newspapers
on the carpet) when "Sasha" after calmly but intently watching me cut
up the veggies reached out and tentatively grabbed a chunk of green
pepper. Pull it over to herself when i did not object and gobbled it up.
Since then i always feed me cats lettuce, green pepper and whatever
other fresh veggies i have on hand. Diced and added to room temperature
rice with oat bran added and all mixed up and dressed with a bit of meat
stock. They get the occasional raw chicken gizzards but not often, a
real treat for them that they inevitably have to 'kill', pounce on, play
with etc. etc. before they get around to eating it.
Of course anytime i am making a large amount of meat they get their
share. "Asparagus" is adorable but not to bright and takes her cue from
Sasha, who always knows, sometimes i think before i do, when i intend to
make a meat loaf.
One time i was making meat loaf for a dinner with guests and i was
pressed for time and was intently focused on cooking and did not pay
attention to Sasha waiting patently for her raw ball of ground meat. I
was just about to stick it in the oven when i realized, saw the most
joyous look of immanent expectation....how could i let her down?
So i took a couple of tablespoons of the seasoned meat loaf mix and
rolled it into a ball and gave it to her.
She had never had 'seasoned' meat loaf mix before and at first it was if
i had served her a bad meal, she gave me such a look! And IMO actually
sulked for a few minutes. Then seeing she was getting no real response
from her sulking she went back and investigated the raw, but seasoned
meat ball, and after a few licks and sniffs, and a bit of nudging about
with the paw, gobbled it right up.
Course probly my favourite anecdote about Sasha is the one where i am so
pressed for time early in the morning that i wash the bottom pot part of
the pressure cooker and sit it on the floor for a minute while i do
something else that leads to something other and then out the door and
gone all day and come home to a kitty sleeping soundly in the bottom of
the pressure cooker, an ordinary, stove top pressure cooker, curled up
into a tight little ball and cosily snoozing away.
I have a big heavy old glass american punch bowl (early 1900' pressed
glass) on top of a built in cabinet, i thought me cats were real
acrobats for the longest time, routinely i would find one of them in the
punch bowl snoozing away, obviously having had to jump almost 6 feet
across from the top of the fridge to the top shelf the bowl is on.
Then one day i was making a pot of stock and heard a noise behind me,
turned around and looked up and the kitty was strolling calmly across
the top of the window between the fridge and the cabinet, i uttered
enough of a slight gasp to cause her to pause, almost unconcernedly, and
give me a look of concern about me, an, "you o.k." kind of look from the
cat who then proceeded primly to the fridge and jumped down about 1 foot
and from there to a counter top and then the floor. With a very
distinct request for food i was making (a fish stock).
The more i think about it the more anecdotes that come to mind.
So ill stop now.