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Default Parcook crudites?

In article >,
Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:

> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > ~patches~ wrote:
> >
> >>kilikini wrote:
> >>
> >>>"OmManiPadmeOmelet" wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Goomba38 wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Julia Altshuler wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>Here's the way I do it that's even easier for me: Bring the water to a
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>>>rolling boil. Put the broccoli in, cover and turn off the heat. (I
> >>>>>>have electric so I move the pot to a cold burner.) Then time exactly 5
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>>>minutes if I want to consider the broccoli cooked and exactly 2 minutes
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>>>if I want to consider the broccoli blanched but essentially raw.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>finger food type raw still? I am going to try this today.

> Am i not getting this? A platter of raw sliced veggies with various
> dipping sauces is almost de rigur around here, just about any home i go
> to that is serving any kind of refreshment will almost certainly provide
> a platter of raw sliced veggies.
> I do live in a major, urban 'foodie' area, and tend to know mostly
> people who take a serious interest in eating well. And fully half the
> people in my social circle are vegetarians of one sort or another.
> Some of the more seriously politically correct have stopped using toilet
> paper, and even if they don't own a bidet, they keep a plastic squeeze
> bottle of water and a special cloth to wipe themselves with. I really
> don't want to know how they store this 'cloth' between uses or how they
> wash it, though some of them claim to use their hand in the middle
> eastern manner.
> When this became public knowledge people started not being so put off by
> my considering the 'shaking of hands' to be a meaningless social ritual
> i choose not to indulge in.
> ---
> JL

You mis-attributed that. :-)

Raw veggie dip trays are a regular whenever I entertain.
The only exception is carrots.

I've found (thru experience) that really very few people like raw

They lie and just say they do, then eat everything else and leave those

If I steam them slightly (I use the faux baby carrots a lot for this) so
they are slightly softened, people eat them up.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson