Puester wrote:
> Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On 19 Jan 2006 21:34:24 +0100, Wayne Boatwright
>> <wayneboatwright_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A friend tole me years ago that she always rubbed a light coating of
>>> mineral oil on her kitchen sink after thoroughly cleaning. It was
>>> rubbed to a lustre with very little trace of oil left. Apparently,
>>> it prevented water spotting.
>> If the day ever comes that I make it a practice to polish my kitchen
>> sink to a high luster, please shoot me. Then put a stake through my
>> heart to make sure I am dead.
>> Boron
> I was thinking pretty much the same thing.
> "Stainless shows spots." So what??? Clean doesn't have to mean
> spotless, literally.
> People who need to polish the kitchen sink have WAY too much time on
> their hands.
> To paraphrase one of our luminaries, "You gonna polish, or cook?"
> gloria p
Now come on, those sinks must be shiny clean all the time irregardless
of your other kitchen activities! This goal is a little more difficult
for those of us with garbage disposals in one sink *but* it can be done.
While the food is cooking, you polish

That being said, I love ss
and am considering doing the countertops in ss to complement the
kitchen. The lighting fixtures and canning rack are ss so ss
countertops would look really nice. I'm just not sure how much work
they would be and we did pass up on ss appliances - if anyone missed we
have been replacing them with only the fridge left to replace - simply
because of the fingerprint problems.