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Wayne Boatwright
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Default Cleaning Stainless Steel

On Thu 19 Jan 2006 02:57:59p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it ~patches~?

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 19 Jan 2006 01:58:07p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it
>> ~patches~?
>>>Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>On Thu 19 Jan 2006 01:23:46p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it
>>>>>On 14 Jan 2006 18:01:40 -0800, I needed a babel fish to understand
>>>>>"aem" > :
>>>>>>I don't get it. If you've cleaned the sink (and other appliances)
>>>>>>with soap, why dirty it with oil? That'll just fight the soap
>>>>>>action next time you use it to wash a dish. What are you guys
>>>>>>using the oil for? What could harm stainless steel that the oil will
>>>>>>protect it from? Or do you just like the shine it gives? -aem
>>>>>I was thinking the exact same thing.... why on earth would you oil
>>>>>your SS sink? much less any other SS surface.
>>>>A friend tole me years ago that she always rubbed a light coating of
>>>>mineral oil on her kitchen sink after thoroughly cleaning. It was
>>>>rubbed to a lustre with very little trace of oil left. Apparently, it
>>>>prevented water spotting.
>>>I read that ages ago and only tried it once without really liking the
>>>results. My preferred method is to wash the sinks then dry much the
>>>same way I do my ss pots. It takes very little effort to dry the
>>> I'm glad we didn't choose to go with ss appliances even though ss is
>>>an accent in our kitchen.

>> That's what I always did when I had a SS sink, Patches. Personally,
>> except for cookware, I wouldn't have SS in my kitchen if it were given
>> to me. It's nothing but a royal PITA. I have to admit that I'm more
>> than a little anal retentive when it comes to keeping the kitchen and
>> it's appliances looking spotless, but I sure wouldn't have the energy
>> it would take to do that with SS.

> Oh, don't get me wrong. I *love* the sparkle of the ss and even want to
> do my countertops in ss. Our accents are ss - canning rack, light
> fixture, etc. SS appliances really were too much as far as cleaning
> even though they had a brushed finish to help hide the finger prints. I
> use a ss cleaner a few times a year to remove any stains from the sinks
> but I always wipe them down after each use. They are sanitized daily so
> that is good enough! Being rather snobbish this way, I can spot a dirty
> sink a mile away. I hate going into a nice clean kitchen then spotting
> a dirty sink. To me that says you don't care and quite frankly I would
> wonder about the food coming out of the kitchen. So, I'd say I'm rather
> anal about the condition of my kitchen. I don't think there is anything
> wrong with that either. Heck, what comes out of the kitchen goes into
> your body. I'd rather be safe and be accused of being anal than find
> out someone got sick because my kitchen wasn't clean enough.

Oh, I like the look, just not the work. Porcelain seems infinitely easier
to keep looking great.

Wayne Boatwright տլ

Okay, okay, I take it back! UnScrew you!