Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

she decided to go back to her old occupation that put her through
nursing school, waitressing. She doubled her net pay the first year
and cut the stress factor to near zero. Lung Guyland has tons of very
fine restaurants, prices are high with tipping to match. No, you are
not going to earn a whole lot waiting tables at some family style
chain, and certainly not running meat loaf and pork chops at the local
greazy spoon diner... but at the better caliber restaurants a wait
person who knows their potatoes and is willing to hustle butt can earn
a remarkable amount of money.

It seems wrong to me that a waitress should be able to get more money than a
nurse!! Here the more expensive restaurants can pay a lot more to their
staff for good workers, but anybody working, even if they're not good at it,
would receive the minimum wage, they probably won't stay at it though -
people who are rude probably don't like their job anyway. People who are
good at what they do are the ones getting the jobs.
