Fussy Eaters
"Elaine Parrish" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 16 Jan 2006, sarah bennett wrote:
>> >
>> > As far as bottled water, there is a lot of controversy as to whether
>> > some bottled water is just tap water, at least some brands. And some
>> > tap waters are absolutely horrible as far as what is in them.
>> >
>> > Christine
>> I would venture to say that most bottled waters are just filtered tap
>> water.
>> --
>> saerah
> I tend to agree. I figure it is boiled, too. My tap water tastes better
> when I boil it. I've seen a lot of water from underground springs and
> pools. Much of it needs to be filtered.
If water can get to the surface,
> surface crud can get to the water. If snow and rain falling out of the sky
> are contaminated, their disappearing back into the ground is taking a lot
> of stuff with them.
From what I understand, the earth (rocks) is a great filtration system for
the contaminated water that has come from the contaminated. When we bring
it to the earth again, it comes thru pipes, that hopefully are not too
Dee Dee