Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Michael Siemon wrote:
> It is also, if well done, so damned "pretty" that I can hardly imagine
> even the most squeamish of fellow diners having any problem watching
> me eat the raw stuff, even if they demur on having it themselves!

It *is* quite pretty. That's about all I like about it. Honestly, I
don't "get" what the big deal is. I think a lot of people who ooh and
aaahh over it simply do so because it's trendy.

> What do such folks do when their fellow diners order oysters on the
> half-shell as an appetizer? Do they go all green, or just look the
> other way if it bothers them?

I don't generally dine with people who eat oysters on the half-shell.
Actually the only person I ever have dined with who did was my father
and he's been dead...22 years. There are so many other wonderful
things to eat while visiting the E. coast, I can't imagine any reason
why I would want to eat a slimy, nasty raw oyster.

I live in the land of salmon,. trout and halibut. Can't ask for more
than that.