Dee Randall wrote:
> "Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> ...
>>On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 05:42:45 GMT, "Jen" >
>>>It seems wrong to me that a waitress should be able to get more money than
>>>nurse!! Here the more expensive restaurants can pay a lot more to their
>>>staff for good workers, but anybody working, even if they're not good at
>>>would receive the minimum wage, they probably won't stay at it though -
>>>people who are rude probably don't like their job anyway. People who are
>>>good at what they do are the ones getting the jobs.
>>A lot of less highly skilled people get paid more than nurses. Nurses
>>salaries are not going up in a lot of places, and in some states,
>>there are state Hospital associations that have a cap on nurse's
>>salaries. And in the South, and some of the Plains states, nurses
>>salaries are abysmal, especially for the amount of responsibility that
>>a nurse has. Plus, as Sheldon so correctly said, the amount of abuse
>>we take from doctors, etc. And folks wonder why there is a nursing
>>Christine, RN
> Payscale of RN's in U.S.
> Payscale of RN's in Canada
> Dee Dee
I really think it depends on where you work (both location in the
country and type of office/place you work). I have a friend that is an
OR nurse...we lived in Athens, GA and she made $27.00 an hour - she
moved to D.C. and all I know is she says she is embarrassed to say how
much she makes....
I worked in a Doctor's office in a small town in GA - the one nurse
there made between $9-$10/hour...just depends on where you are. If she
had wanted to drive an hour each way she could have doubled her wage.
Roberta (in VA)