Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

sarah bennett wrote:
> I would venture to say that most bottled waters are just filtered tap
> water.

It "all* comes directly from a local municipal water tap... not even
filtered except to remove the chlorine and flouride (yoose really
shouldn't be permitting your children to drink bottled water, their
teeth will suffer). Do yoose really think water is imported... sure it
came from a glacier, artesian well, or mountain spring, at one time or
another *all* water passed through that way... all the water on the
planet today is the same water that was formed when the planet was
formed, and *all* water is in a constant state of flux. When you pay
for bottled water you are paying for transportation, advertising,
labeling, and of course bottles and bottling. Those of yoose consuming
water from your own private well really need to speak with your dentist
about floride treatments, especially for your children.... that's the
main reason so many up here in the NY boonies have such horribly rotten
teeth, that and they don't brush... most have never been to a dentist.
Swishing your teeth with booze is not a caries/tartar preventitive
recognized by the ADA.