Fussy Eaters
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, Glitter Ninja wrote:
> Elaine Parrish > writes:
> >water with them (I mark that as considerate), however, in my home or in
> >their own, they filled their glasses with ice from the ice maker and then
> >poured their bottled water over it. What is it that they think they have -
> That's weird. Seriously weird. When we lived in a house in the old
> part of town, the water was so bad we had to buy filtered water from the
> grocery store, and we filled our ice cube trays with the filtered
> store-bought water. You could tell if you froze the tap water (usually
> because of the chunks in it. Ew.) My job was in the old part of town,
> too, and I got sick one day drinking too much water from the water
> fountain.
> I suspect for those who use both bottled and tap, it's preference and
> not necessity. I fully admit that I prefer bottled in many situations,
> even if it's just filtered tap water and nothing special, because
> getting ill on crappy water was a terrible feeling I don't want to
> repeat.
> Stacia
I can relate to the bad water. On the farm, we had a well and the water
was iron-rich - so iron rich that drinking it was akin to filling a glass
with with rusty nails and then pouring the water in. boo, hiss. We had to
have a heavy duty filter to get water that was anywhere near "clear".
Still the sinks and tubs had that unmistakable rust ring beneath the
faucets. Of course, I got beautiful auburn highlights in my very dark hair
for free!
When we moved "to town", we had city water. I thought I had died and gone
to heaven. I lost 10 pounds just by washing the iron ore out of my hair!
I love bottled water and drink a good bit of it, but I do it because I
like it. And I don't pour it over the ice cubes out of my ice maker <g>.
The commercial water is fine. There is nothing wrong with it. But it does
"taste" better boiled. So, I boil up some and keep it in the frige (so I
don't have to use ice). But even that I do simply because I like it.
I wish my friends would just say that they do it because they like it
(especially when they are filling their glasses with ice <g>). It's almost
like they have to justify drinking bottled water. Hey, get a clue, buy a
vowel! You're an adult. You can drink bottled water if you want to. You
don't even have to have a reason.
Some people do drink bottled water for health reasons, but I suspect my
friends are trying to be trendy and "keep up with the Joneses" without
having a clue. Typically, they are very in touch with being a round peg in
a round hole.
Elaine, too