Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

On 14 Jan 2006 10:55:02 -0800, I needed a babel fish to understand
"itsjoannotjoann" > :

>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>> I cook for myself and my father...
>> I cook what he likes as long as it is healthy. ;-)
>> If I want something else, I make myself a separate meal.
>> It's no big deal...
>> NOBODY should be forced or badgered to eat something they don't like!
>> Life is too short to not enjoy your food.
>> --

>True, true. But then you have those that are 'fussy eaters' because
>their parents, mother in particular, who have kow towed to them.
>Example: Five year old great nephew who will eat nothing, but nothing,
>but chicken nuggets. We are at my s-i-l's house, his grandmother, for
>Thanksgiving. Every possible vegetable dish has been prepared,
>including turkey and ham plus the usual kiddie favorite of mac &
>cheese. Noooooo, he's got to have chicken nuggets. Pull some nuggets
>out of the freezer and pop them in the oven for the little prince. The
>little shit does this because he can get away with it. This is at
>every single meal not just Thanksgiving. I'd let the let darling
>starve until he could sit down at the table and eat what everyone else
>is having.

All I know is, my kids would NEVER get away with this. I do have a
daughter who pretty much always wants chicken nuggets if were going
out to eat. Either that or Pizza.
but, if were eating at someone else's house, or our own and that's not
on the menu, she know good and well to hold her tongue.
She does make some pretty choice faces on food I know she does not
like (spinach anyone)
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