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Default perfect boiled eggs

Mary wrote:
> For many years I have used a method of hard-boiling eggs that was
> published by a group of egg producers, and it works perfectly every
> time! Put eggs into a pan and cover them with cold water, with about
> an inch of water over the tops of the eggs. Put the pan on the stove
> and bring the water to a boil. Now, turn OFF the stove, cover the pan,
> and leave it covered, on the burner, for 20 to 30 minutes. That's it!
> The eggs won't crack or turn colors or get rubbery. Peel and enjoy!

I do exactly that, but then I drain the water and kinda slam the eggs
around in the pot to crack them, add ice and water for a 30 minute ice
bath...then peel.
However...the only surefire way I've found to guarantee hassle free
peeling is old eggs. Try it. Buy a dozen eggs and keep them at least a
week...two is better. Then buy a new dozen and do a side buy side'll be amazed.
And to ward off any paranoids...if a egg isn't cracked, and is kept
refrigerated, it'll dehydrate to nothingness before it goes bad.

You wanna measure or you wanna cook?