Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

sarah bennett wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > sarah bennett wrote:
> >>Sheldon wrote:
> >>>sarah bennett wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>I would venture to say that most bottled waters are just filtered tap
> >>>>water.
> >>>
> >>>It "all* comes directly from a local municipal water tap.
> >>
> >>Uh, no. the companies that bottle water have to divulge where the water
> >>comes from.

> >
> > No they don't. All they need to provide is that it's water and the
> > business contact info. Other beverages and food products need not
> > mention the specific source of their water. Canned tuna doesn't say
> > where the contents were harvested.... like tuna, all you need know is
> > that water is from Planet Earth.
> >

> it's about halfway down. If the water comes from a municipal source, it
> has to be labeled as such.

Nope. You don't read well (we already knew that). And you obviously
didn't read all the way to the end of that section. As anyone can
plainly see it's pretty much what I said.

After much wrangling regarding indication of water source, INSTEAD...

"Instead, FDA concluded_ that appropriate and feasible means to inform
consumer about their bottled water included:"

1. Providing on the bottled water label a company contact (with phone
number or an address) that would direct customers on how to obtain

2. A combination approach whereby some quality information would be
specified on the label and the remainder of the information would be
available through contact with the company.

3. Distribution of an information package with bulk water deliveries.

As anyone can plainly see no source information is required.... anyone
with a working brain should understand why that information is
absolutely meaningless... potable water is potable water is potable

Bottled water has previously been discussed to death on rfc. Amazing
how so many newbies arrive and somehow think rfc didn't exist prior to
their arrival. Really, the only new topics anymore are the OT ones,
everything on topic has been discussed down to its individual atoms
(some to their sub-atomic particles), and often.

At any given time a minimum 80% of regular rfc posters are newbies....
being generous here.

Claiming one changed handles doesn't exempt one from newbiedom unless
that fact
was at the time publicly posted and widely disseminated , whereasas all
regular posters were notified by email as well. It's just too easy to
steal some long ago past poster's identity... especially how so many
these days use munged addies and no real identifiable name... I mean
like there's got to be dozens of Boobs.

My name is real, my addie is real... nothing ever been munged.... there
really is no viable reason for hiding ones true ID except that you are
a low life lying sneak... yeah, I know some of you post under various
IDs, to rfc and other Newsgroups... some of yoose even perfom self

Sheldon (who's been posting to rfc continuously longer than anyone)