knife selection help needed
sarah bennett wrote:
> maestro wrote:
>> I'm trying to build a collection of high-quality knifes and I'm
>> currently looking for a all-around knife that is usually there for most
>> occasion's that don't require the big knifes. What sized blade and type
>> should I consider?
> ones that feel comfortable in your hand.
Exactly. Go to some housewares stores and pick them up. Wave them around
and chop up a couple customers to see if they feel good...
Except for the waving and customer chopping, that's what you should do.
The reality is that different people like - and can use to best
advantage - different knives. I have big hands and the ones that feel
good to me aren't comfortable to my daughters who have small hands.
I'd suggest you not buy a set. It'll turn out that you'll use one or two
and the rest will sit there being expensive.