What do you make when you don't feel like eating?
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 02:26:01 GMT, "Nina" >
>Im pregnant and have alternated between horrible nausea and a complete lack
>of appetite. Of course I HAVE to eat, so its been a struggle.I like soup. I
>cook and freeze split pea soup and chicken soup. I can eat maybe 3 cups at a
>time, it just goes down easy. I usually serve it with toast or grilled
>cheese sandwiches.
I am also pregnant and recognize what you are going through. I can
reccomend getting a variety of powered soups so you can always make
some soups quickly (or get your partner to do it).
oven fries work for me, and risotto.
chicken filés oven cooked is another "safe" food.
as a reply to the OP though I would say: chinese take out.
The first ten years of your life you try to be just like your parents.
Then for then years you try to be as little as your parents as possible.
Then you gradually change in to them.