Thread: Glucose?
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Default Glucose?

Peter Aitken wrote:

> "Wayne Boatwright" <> wrote in message
> 8.19...
>>On Sun 22 Jan 2006 01:21:26p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it Internet
>>>Found a sugar recipe (British) that called for glucose, my best guess is
>>>karo syrup(?)

>>Yes, more or less. 8 tablespoons glucose = 9 tablespoons light corn
>>Take a look he

> Corn syrup is half glucose and half fructose, just like sucrose (table
> sugar). If there is a reason you need pure glucose - I cannot think of one -
> then corn syrup will not work. But there may be a reason I am not aware of.

Yesterday's episode of Cook at Large showed the candy maker adding
glucose as a way to control the effects of humidity on the candy. He
was making a sugar sculpture. The first batch of candy for the
sculpture was affected by the humidity giving less than pleasing
results. Glucose doesn't absorb water as much a sugar , he said. He
also said that too much glucose in the mixture would cause the candy to
set up too fast and be unworkable.