What Bugs Me Regarding Broccoli
Not only does it bug me I can't find anything but broccoli crowns because I
definitely use the stalks in cream of or cheese broccoli soup... but what do
they do with the stalks?
I also don't need broccoli (or cauliflower) cut into florets *for me*. If I
want florets I'll buy a bag of frozen florets. Otherwise, I know how to
wield a knife. I don't need someone working in the produce aisle to cut my
vegetables for me *and* charge me a buck extra for doing so!
Convenience? Since when is it convenient to spend an extra dollar? It
takes maybe 1 minute, okay, two if I'm having a bad day, to cut florets from
the stalk. Oooh, I just wasted 2 minutes! Dang, better pay a dollar more
for that!
And does anyone actually *buy* broccoflower? It's this weird cross between
broccoli and cauliflower and the shade is slightly this side of a
flourescent green highlighter; bordering close on chartreuse. All in all a
rather unattractive looking vegetable. But maybe it tastes good. The
appearance just puts me off.