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Default FF 2006 Darjeelings?

Aloke Prasad wrote:
>Please let us know about Makaibari. I liked their 1st F in 2005 but was
>disappointed by their 2nd F. All color and low flavor .. almost like Lipton
>Green label!

Same with me so far, but the Autumn invoice I reported on in a previous
thread IMO was nothing short of terrific.

BTW: I'm just back from a meeting with my "tea guru" and when told
about anyone selling "winter leaves" he had a good laugh.
As far as we could remember it hasn't rained for more than 2 months
anywhere in the district (apart from some short drizzle) and the old
saying goes: no rain > no juice in the leaves > water in the cup.
If you're interested in the coming FF just keep an eye on the www
weathernews on Mirik, Kurseong, and Darjeeling.
While lots of rain doesn't necessarily turn out high quality DJs; no,
or little rain, like in last years most critical period (mid/late
Feb./early March) most probably results in "water in the cup".

Again just my 2 drops,
Karsten / Darjeeling