Angela wrote:
> I decided to start a barbeque forum that will focus only on barbeque
> questions and recipes.
> I thought it would be nice to post a picture of the results next to
> the
> recipe itself, and I hope it wont have any spam.
> I'd appreciate it if you could take a look and tell me what you
> think.
> Best of wishes and leave some place for desert ;-) ,
> Phillip.
> --
> Phillip
> www.***.net
cross postings deleted and sent to individual groups to avoid
There are already several *VERY GOOD* Barbecue forums in existance.
Ray Basso's BBQ forum comes to mind immediately, as does the virtual
Weber forum. There are also many that are dedicated to individual
brands of grills/smokers. The three that I actively use *do* have the
picture posting capibilities.
Why try to re-invent the wheel?
Raw Meat Should NOT Have An Ingredients List
Raw Meat Should NOT Have An Ingredients List