Least fishy tasting fish?
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote on 23 Jan 2006 in rec.food.cooking
> So it's 2 different fish? I'm not a fisherman although I loved the
> fishing trips I took with my father. The thought of baiting a hook
> was extremely distasteful to mother, so she did not go with us. I
> don't know a lot about fresh water fish. Blue Gill were fierce little
> combatants if I recall. Tasty too.
Pickrel don't fight much...Pikes do. Medium to Large pikes will and can eat
ducklings in one swallow. And pikes over 4 foot in length aren't that
rare. Lots of American come up here to fish Pike...Northern Pike. Because
of their will to fight. They have been known to pull a canoe or small boat.
Pike is edible and not that bad taste-wise. It's more of a sport fish than
a eating fish.
But Pickrel is very tasty and more of a shore lunch kinda fish. A plate of
Pickrel cheeks is a real treat. Even a breaded pickrel filet is nothing to
turn your nose up over.
You can buy Pickrel in the stores up here, but they don't sell Northern
Pike due to no customer interest.
You usually fish pike with a spoon by trolling or by jigging.
You use a float with bait to catch pickrel.
The eyes are the mirrors....
But the ears...Ah the ears.
The ears keep the hat up.