PING: Sheldon
>"Nexis" writes:
>Forgive me if my memory is failing me right now, but didn't you post your
>recipe/method for corned beef at one point? If I'm not crazy, could you
>please repost it? Thanks!
It's also in the r.f.c. cookbook.
---= Corned Beef =---
Choose good grade of thin-cut corned beef (I prefer Nathan's).
Cook in the largest pot you own. Seriously, cook in lots of water. First,
rinse corned beef and and discard spices if present (old spices were used up),
or save spice packet if present. Start in cold water. Bring to the boil
(uncovered). Simmer 1/2 hour, dump water! Yes, discarding water removes
excess salt/nitrites. Okay, now the actual cooking begins. Start in cold
water (again? yes, again!). Add spice packet (if none exists or since you
dumped the first batch, add new pickling spices. Bring to the boil, lower heat
to low simmer. Simmer aproximately 1 hour and add peeled carrots (whole) and
unpeeled potatoes (whole), bring to simmer again and add cabbage wedges.
Simmer til veggies are tender and remove. Continue simmering til corned beef
is tender yet firm; test with fork (your forking may vary). Remove corned beef
to roasting pan fat side up, cover liberally with brown sugar, tent loosely
with foil, and place in 325 F oven for 30-45 minutes. Remove corned beef from
oven (now place veggies in oven to reheat). Let corned beef rest uncovered 15
minutes. With sharp knife slice thinly accross grain, and serve with veggies,
mustard, and beer.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."