Thread: Cocoa Butter?
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Default Cocoa Butter?

In article >,
Mr Libido Incognito > wrote:

> Bunny McElwee wrote on 23 Jan 2006 in
> > How do I know how much cocoa butter is in a particular chocolate?
> > I am
> > not near any decent shops that sell chocolate and I only have one
> > store in my area that sells a variety of bar chocolates, such as
> > Lindt, Godiva, Pergua (?) and one other brand that I can't remember
> > the name of. None of them say on the packaging how much cocoa butter
> > there is in them. I am looking for some good chocolate to use in a
> > chocolate fountain I receive at Christmas. It's a cheao brand, but
> > hey, it was a present, what can I say. I would like to use this for an
> > upcoming Wine party I am having, but would rather not have to use the
> > 3/4 c oil to 24 oz. chocolate chips ratio (bleck!) they give in the
> > book. And the only way to avoid doing that, they say, is by using
> > Belgium Chocolate or chocolate with a high cocoa butter percentage in
> > it. Without spending $40 to order a couple of pounds off the internet,
> > I'd rather use something local, if I can figure out how to tell how
> > much cocoa butter is in the store bought bars. Any help?
> >
> >

> Perhaps the webpages of the various chocolate makers, could put your
> worrys at rest... Google is your friend

I'd be willing to place my bets on Lindt's. ;-d

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