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S. Chancellor
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Default Cheap Tea Suspicions

On 2006-01-23 19:31:34 -0800, "Dominic T." > said:

> I had never heard of coffee bean direct before your post, but it seems
> like they have unbelievable pricing on their products. If the actual
> tea shipped looks like what is in the photo's then it should be pretty
> solid stuff.
> I may have to buy some and check it out. 2lb. foil bags of tea for like
> $5/lb is crazy

I see that now. I was unaware that the tea they claim they are selling
is so expensive EVERYWHERE else. I just purchased from the first
vendor I thought had a decent price. Now I see nobody else sells for
that rate. It seems very strange to me that nobody else sells this tea
for that price. I would have expected to find at least one other
online vendor with a similar price, but I have searched to no avail.
That's why I'm worried I wasted my money. You usually get exactly what
you pay for. =/

I will let you know how it goes as I expect to receive them tomorrow.
I checked my tracking number and they got into town sometime today.
Thus, they should be delivered to my work tomorrow where I plan to brew
up a pot. I can take some pictures of the tea from home if you think
you can identify them for me

P.S. How can you tell anything from their tiny pictures? They're like
their enlarged versions are the size of my thumbnail!
