Blair P. Houghton wrote:
> ...under the picture is a "click to enlarge" link, so I
> dumbly click and a window pops up and - GAAAAH!! The Assam that Ate
> Pittsburgh!!
Heh, yeah the photo's are huge and I kind of doubt that they are stock
photo's due to the size, so that was why I was guessing that they are
representative of the real thing. The Sencha green tea looks to be
pretty high quality if this proves true, and the White Peony deal is
very solid. My curiosity is now piqued, but I think my fiance will kill
me if I start buying 2lb. bags of tea now as I have two full cupboards
dedicated already

I can't wait to hear how the quality turns out!
BTW: Blair you from PGH? Or just use it in your analogy? I live and
work near the 'burgh, where Steeler fever is in full, scary, force.