On 2006-01-23 23:01:35 -0800, "Blair P. Houghton"
> said:
> S. Chancellor wrote:
>> P.S. How can you tell anything from their tiny pictures? They're like
>> their enlarged versions are the size of my thumbnail!
> So I fall for the bait, and I go there, and in the list they have a
> tiny thumbnail, and I click on a tea and next to the tea is a tiny
> picture, but under the picture is a "click to enlarge" link, so I
> dumbly click and a window pops up and - GAAAAH!! The Assam that Ate
> Pittsburgh!!
> Seriously. Were you being sarcastic? Those photos make each tea leaf
> look like a stick of cinnamon...
> --Blair
> P.S. Holy boiling point, Batman! They're selling White Peony for $12 a
> pound! Their $7/lb Darjeeling looks like a BOP, though...
Oops.. I only had looked at several green teas as I cannot stomach
black tea. I don't know what the oxidation process releases from the
tea but it causes me to have bad headaches and intestinal distress.
(Which is why I never drank much tea until i tried some green tea and
had no problems.. I didn't know it was the same plant until later or I
probably wouldn't have touched it.)
The pictures for the decaffeinated green tea I bought, and the jasmine
green tea I was looking at don't enlarge when you click them. That's
why I was confused

The gunpowder, however, looking at it now,
appears to be the size of my head.