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Lewis Perin
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Default bi luo chun Green Tea

S. Chancellor > writes:

> [...Bi Luo Chun prices...]
> Fifteen dollars a pound wasn't really the problem, but that all the Bi
> Luo Chun (or Pi Lo Chun) I've found from online vendors is around
> between 30-60 dollars a pound. I'm not sure what the difference
> is. I'm a newb to tea, so I can't really justify the expense for a
> tea I can't taste the difference of.


> It seems most online vendors
> only claim to sell super top grade tea.
> Also, I fully agree about the differences in taste in green tea. I
> think it's quite interesting to try them all. Albeit, I am ending up
> purchasing more different kinds of tea faster than I can drink them!

I completely understand the urge to get more and more, but please
understand that green tea decays pretty rapidly, especially once you
break the seal on a (hopefully tightly sealed) package. What matters
is how much pleasure you expect to get from drinking all the tea
you've bought by the time you're done with it; that's the bang you
justify the bucks against.

Lew Perin /