S. Chancellor wrote:
> I received my tea today. The pinhead gunpowder is markedly smaller
> than the Extra Gunpowder that I already have, it also tastes much
> better.
Well then I'd say you done good!

Now I'm going to have to place an
order, my fiance will thank you, I'll share my experience once I
receive it.
>The CO2 decaffeinated tea I purchased has an odd smell to it,
> almost like fresh cut grass. However, it does not brew green, but
> rather almost the color of black tea. I care for it much less. I
> don't know of any way to tell if it's really CO2 decaffeinated or not.
I'm no expert in decaffeinated teas, especially CO2. At first when you
mentioned "fresh cut grass" I instantly thought it may be Sencha... but
then the the black hue when brewed threw me totally off. I can't for
the life of me figure out how a green tea with a fresh cut grass smell
could brew a black tea color, not even if CO2 was involved in any way.
I'll have to do some research on this one, you stumped me. But, how
does it taste? That was the only thing you left out.
- Dominic
Drinking: Shirakiku Brand Sen-Cha teabag