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S. Chancellor
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Default Cheap Tea Suspicions

On 2006-01-25 17:45:21 -0800, "Barky Bark" > said:

>> Yes, do please report back. I'm still on the fence about this myself
>> -- I've never bought two pounds of any tea at any price.

> I'm in thesame boat Steve.. The problem I have with buying that much is
> unless you just guzzle it down how in the world are you going to use
> thatmuch tea before it gets stale and old and .... before you just get plain
> sick of it! The beauty of tea is that there are so many types. Seems like
> you'd end up throwing most of it away out of sheer boredom
> -Barky

I, and my coworkers, probably use at least half an ounce of dry tea a
day at work. It'll be gone in about 2 months I brought in a
communal Mr. Coffee that we use to brew tea in. I figured should buy
some cheap loose tea to put in it. I started messing with loose tea
when I discovered that bagged tea gets spendy quick. Cruddy stash
bagged tea is upwards of 30 bucks a pound. I realized I could get good
tea and use that for cheaper
