Eye of Round roast
Sheldon wrote:
> biig wrote:
> >
> > I have one in the freezer that's only 2 pounds. It
> > should take the marinade well, but I'm thinking it wouldn't be done in
> > 40 to 45 minutes???? Dh likes his well done most of the time, but once
> > in a while I make it my way and give him the first cuts that are done a
> > little more. I like mine still mooing...lol...Sharon
> That roast is a bit small for dry roasting and eye round braised is for
> those with CTAD.
> Slice 1/2" thk, pound between plastic wrap until 1/4" thk.
> Season liberally with freshly ground black pepper and a bit of salt.
> Panfry quick and hot no more than one minute each side, do not crowd
> pan.
> Deglaze pan with fresh lemon juice, thicken with butter, pour over
> beef.
> Sheldon
Sounds good...would you marinate first? ...thanks...Sharon