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Margaret Suran
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Default Cara Cara Oranges

Pandora wrote:
> "King's Crown" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>Anyone every heard of them? I bought them on a whim at the grocery store,
>>because there was a sign next to the grocer's picture saying, "You're
>>going to love these. I guarantee it." I thought if I don't like them
>>I'll return the rest. They were SO good. They were seedless and the
>>flesh was on the reddish orange side. So sweet. Normally, I split an
>>orange between the kids for breakfast, but we each wanted a whole one of
>>our own.

> ROFTL! "Cara", in italian, means expensive! Cara cara is double expensive!
> Cheers
> Pandora


Pandora, I thought it means "dear" or "beloved", as in "Caro Nome" in
Rigoletto, one being feminine and one masculine. I guess cara and
caro are different. Live and learn.