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Default look at this, teflon breaksdown with PFOA found in blood of mostAmericans


>>I think I agree with you, if you're saying "If you don't know
>>how to cook, don't use Teflon".

> And I've obviously found another Stepford Wife. I'm checking out of
> this thread now, but not before I point out your deliberate
> obfuscation. Please explain for posterity how Teflon is only dangerous
> "if you don't know how to cook" when I just cited a problem FRYING
> For those folks interested in TRUTH, here's what I'm saying:
> -- If you believe Teflon is perfectly safe up to relatively low
> temperature, at which point it kills birds;
> -- If you never preheat your frying pans, constantly watch them, and
> somehow know the precise temperature of every square inch;
> -- If you have no moral problems backing a company that lied about
> water pollution, dodges the truth about Teflon ("I've never cooked
> bacon") and PROBABLY pays minimum-wage minions to defend the stuff
> online,
> then fine, use all the Teflon you want.

This is interesting. I gave up Teflon pots and pans not only because of
the controversy but because my cooking skills have improved greatly over
the years. Non-stick pans don't lend themselves well to searing or
deglazing. The problem with eliminating Teflon completely is the
coating is found on bakeware, appliances like George Foreman grills and
rice makers, and on grill grates for indoor and outdoor grills. The
stuff is almost impossible to avoid entirely. Truth be told, you would
likely have to eliminate eating out entirely as you could never be sure
the food served wasn't cooked in a non-stick pan. I have found silicone
bakeware and parchment paper suitable replacements for non-stick
bakeware. There likely are ways to avoid the other sources by just not
using those appliances. Some stove manufactures offer only non-stick
grill grates for their stove but this can be avoided if you don't grill
indoors. Personally, I don't want to give up my indoor grill or rice