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Default look at this, teflon breaksdown with PFOA found in blood of most Americans

> > I think I agree with you, if you're saying "If you don't know
> > how to cook, don't use Teflon".

> And I've obviously found another Stepford Wife. I'm checking out of
> this thread now, but not before I point out your deliberate
> obfuscation. Please explain for posterity how Teflon is only dangerous
> "if you don't know how to cook" when I just cited a problem FRYING
> For those folks interested in TRUTH, here's what I'm saying:
> -- If you believe Teflon is perfectly safe up to relatively low
> temperature, at which point it kills birds;

If you don't understand chemistry, this would make sense. But I do. Do
you know that water, particularly above 212 degrees F, can kill you? Do
you avoid cooking with water?
Check the statistics, I'll wager you any amount of money you like that
many more people were killed or injured by steam last year than by
burnt Teflon.

> -- If you never preheat your frying pans, constantly watch them, and
> somehow know the precise temperature of every square inch;

I preheat them with oil or butter in them, no problem.

> -- If you have no moral problems backing a company that lied about
> water pollution, dodges the truth about Teflon ("I've never cooked
> bacon") and PROBABLY pays minimum-wage minions to defend the stuff
> online,

Only a moron would heat a frying pan to 500 degrees to cook bacon. The
frying pan doesn't have to be anywhere near that hot. My guess is that
in the demo, they put cold bacon in a cold frying pan, and the bacon
was cooked about the time the frying pan got to 500 degrees. I don't
cook bacon that way, nor does anyone who knows how to cook. In fact,
bacon cooks best, if you're cooking it in a frying pan, on low heat, so
it cooks gradually.

> then fine, use all the Teflon you want.

Actually, I have only one Teflon frying pan, which I rarely use. I just
like to point out to people who don't understand chemistry and who take
specious demonstrations to heart, how ridiculous this is. I'm glad I'm
not one to panic everytime I see another fear mongering story on the
evening news or Dateline.
If you keep up on your reading about dangerous things, believning them
all, and avoid them all, you'll have to live in a stainless steel shell
(at least until someone publishes an article about how bad stainless
steel is for you) and drink only purified water. No food would ever be
pure enough. You'd starve. Go ahead, work yourself into a paranoid
frenzy and starve. I'll take my chances with a little Teflon!