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Default Annoying sigs at end of posts (was Terry Birds "Could we pleaseLearn to trim our posts"

Dan Abel wrote:

> In article > ,
> Reg > wrote:
>>>nope - it's two dashes followed by a whitespace character: "-- "

>>Interesting. Mine doesn't contain a ws char in the sig file
>>and it works fine.

> Interesting, because it's there. Perhaps your newsreader is smart
> enough to know that you intended the "--" to be a delimiter and changed
> it to "-- ".

Precisely. Software developers have learned over the years to
make things as easy as possible. You wouldn't want setting up
a newsreader to be like configuring sendmail or something.
Forcing a user to include the space isn't necessary.

Reg email: RegForte (at) (that free MS email service) (dot) com