Thread: haricot verts
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Dave Smith
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Default haricot verts

Nexis wrote:

> > What??? That's silly. They're the same thing, Nancy. Let's say you tell a
> > friend you want mesclun for lunch. The friend invites you over for lunch,
> > puts a bowl of salad on the table, and says, "Here's some arugula,
> > chicory, baby spinach, mache, cress, young escarole, dandelion greens and
> > mustard greens. Enjoy!" You've just received mesclun, right? Or no,
> > because she didn't use that word?

> I think the point is that they are a specific green bean. You don't go to a
> restaurant and ask for a New York Strip if you want a Rib-Eye. Yes, they're
> both steak. Yes, both beef. Are they the same thing? Hell no!

No Kimberly, the point is that they are not a specific green bean. People are
probably more aware of the varieties of corn, like Seneca Chief and Peaches and
Cream, or Tomatoes (Beefsteak, Roma) and there are indeed different varieties
of green beans, and some of them have been marketed as Haricots Verts, but it is
just a marketing gimmick as Green Beans aka string beans, are a types of bean
with a tasty pod, as opposed to other types of bean plants where the pods are
discarded and the beans inside are cooked, dried or otherwise processed on their
own, and haricots verts is just a straight translation of green bean.