Homemade veggie burgers?
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Homemade veggie burgers?
> Last night we tried a recipe from for black bean veggie
> burgers. They didn't hold together and came out like cowpies,
> although the flavor was good.
> I normally buy Morningstar frozen "Grillers."
> Anyone know if these can be duplicated at home, or is this one of
> those instances where economy of scale makes it best left to the pros?
The local health food store makes a very good vegan burger (it would be
a *lot* better with real cheese on it instead of that soy crap), and
it's made with oats and pecan meal rather than beans. They don't sell
bulk pecan meal, otherwise I would try to duplicate it. Pecans are too
expensive to grind up broken halves and pieces, but the meal is a waste
byproduct of the pecan shelling industry and is pretty cheap if you can
find it.
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