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Dominic T.
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Default Ginger Peach Black Tea

Derek wrote:
> On 26 Jan 2006 18:06:40 -0800, Dominic T. wrote:
> > Wegmans is a chain of
> > supermarkets that has the largest selection of high end loose teas for
> > sale of almost anywhere and you get your own and pay by weight.

> Your Wegmans must stock more teas than ours does.

Hmm... I thought they all had the same stuff, but I guess not. The
Wegmans I go to is in State College, PA. They litterally have a 6' deep
x 20' wide alcove with all three walls made up of shelving like a
library from floor to cieling, and filled with 2lb. tins of loose tea
organized by type. It's called "The Tea Spot." It is litterally a
library of tea, and they are all mid-high quality... and some very
pricey. Most are in the $29.99-39.99/lb. price range. They have scales
and nice bags and you serve yourself. The stock changes with the
seasons properly, and at times they will have one or two world class
teas at enormous prices. But I can grab an ounce or two for a small
amount of money and drink some of the best teas in the world. They had
small tins of the highest grade Matcha made last time I went but they
were hundreds of dollars. It is quite possibly the most amazing thing
for a tea lover. Too bad I live 2 hours away from it, but I have family
there and they bring me or send me what I want.

Like right now at my desk I have: a full leaf Organic Tangerine White
Tea, Numi Spring White, Numi Earl Grey, Organic Strawbery Green (real
strawberries and sencha green... mmmm.), and a Keemun Black... all from
my last trip to Wegmans.

I would say Pittsburgh of all the places I've been has the most and
best selection of tea anywhere, which is insane, but true.