Dominic T. wrote:
> The Ginger Black is from Presto George in the Strip District in
> Pittsburgh, PA. They have some of the most amazing teas and they do a
> ton of cool custom blends and flavors. Republic of Tea has a decent,
> not great, ginger peach black tea in bag form too that should be
> available most places.
As I posted in another thread that nobody responded to*, Republic of
Tea's offering is more ginger than peach. Best I've had is from the
Perennial Tea Room in Seattle near Pike Place Market. I've since found
a loose-leaf version of the Zhena's Gypsy Tea, though it's called
"Ginger Peach" rather than "Passionate Peach" as the bagged version is,
the descriptions on the tins are identical. And the offering from the
Tao of Tea is just awful.