stePH wrote:
> As I posted in another thread that nobody responded to*, Republic of
> Tea's offering is more ginger than peach. Best I've had is from the
> Perennial Tea Room in Seattle near Pike Place Market. I've since found
> a loose-leaf version of the Zhena's Gypsy Tea, though it's called
> "Ginger Peach" rather than "Passionate Peach" as the bagged version is,
> the descriptions on the tins are identical. And the offering from the
> Tao of Tea is just awful.
The stuff from Presto George is great, it is hand blended and all
natural so no artificial flavors and the peach is balanced well IMO. I
like ginger, so I guess I may be more tolerant of the ones with
stronger ginger flavors (I make tea from straight ginger root when I'm
sick) However, my fiance is the one who bought this tea and she does
not like ginger much.. so I'm pretty safe in saying that you'd like it.
The Mango tea from Fortune's is great too, and very similar to ginger
peach in flavor but no ginger so it is a very nice fruity taste.
I wasn't around in Oct. so I can't be held responsible for the previous
post going unnoticed

I will surely agree that the Republic of tea is
not that great, passable-decent is about all I'd say for it. But to
make amends and since I can respect a good quest for perfection, I'd be
happy to ship you a small amount of the Presto George Ginger Peach to
try it on my behalf if you'd like.
- Dominic
Drinking: Hi-C Lavaburst Orange Drink from McDonalds