The price of beef ??
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> zxcvbob > wrote:
>>Doug Kanter wrote:
> (snippage)
>>>All your supermarkets sell crappy meat? Notice the word "all". You've tried
>>>all of the ones which are nearby?
>>All of them sell crappy pork and chicken. Even the very good-looking
>>country ribs I bought a week ago at the last independant supermarket in
>>town (Silver Lake Foods) were obviously full of water when I cooked them.
> -snip-
>>Maybe I need to buy a half a hog early next winter and cut it up
>>myself. I can hang it from the rafters in the garage...
> You telling me there are aren't any independent butcher shops down
> there? I've gotten great meat at Von Hanson's (a chain of butcher shops
> now, there are so many of them) but the price was wicked. I'm happy
> with Cub; I'm not very fussy.
There are one or two, and they are *really* expensive. When I run out
of good meat from the freezer I'll have to start buying from them when I
need good stuff. Usually the stuff from Cub or Silver Lake Foods is
good enough, but I have to be careful when I cook it to allow for all
the extra water. The only meat I buy at Walmart is whole briskets and
frozen turkeys.
We eat a lot or ground turkey (79¢ a pound at Aldi) and roast turkey.
And whatever cured meat products I can find in the used meat bin at
Silver Lake Foods.