Homemade veggie burgers?
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:07:25 -0600, zxcvbob wrote:
> The local health food store makes a very good vegan burger (it would be
> a *lot* better with real cheese on it instead of that soy crap), and
> it's made with oats and pecan meal rather than beans. They don't sell
> bulk pecan meal, otherwise I would try to duplicate it. Pecans are too
> expensive to grind up broken halves and pieces, but the meal is a waste
> byproduct of the pecan shelling industry and is pretty cheap if you can
> find it.
Pecans, really? I had no idea. I've tried veggie burgers and think
they are pretty good. Now I know why: it's because I love pecans.
Practice safe eating. Always use condiments.